Saturday Shoutout / This Land Was Your Land

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Matthew Copeland is fired up, and you should be too.

His piece, “This Land Was Your Land” on Stalking The Seam is the absolute best I’ve seen written on the subject of the impending public land grab.

“I was born in Charlottesville, Virginia USA and with my first squalling breath I inherited one million square miles of the most beautiful real estate on planet earth– boom, a geo-genetic jackpot winner just like every other natural-born American citizen. I can wander where I choose, hunt in the hills, fish in the rivers, lose myself in the mountains or find myself in the desert. Millions of naturalized immigrants earned these rare and precious privileges with the sweat of their brow. Millions more Americans have defended them with the blood in their veins. Now, regardless of our previous paths, we’re all facing the same question. Will our kids know these same freedoms or will they become disenfranchised visitors on someone else’s property?” Copeland writes.

You owe it to yourself to read this inspired bit of writing. Please, PLEASE, take the time to hear what Matt has to say. There is something you can do. 

This Land Was Your Land


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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One thought on “Saturday Shoutout / This Land Was Your Land

  1. A group of high power political types recently got their panties in a bunch over the EPA protecting small wetlands and headwater streams. I wonder how they’ll feel about the idea of retaining access and ownership of public lands and watets in a public trust?

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