A gift from the folks at Midcurrent
It doesn’t take long. A paragraph, maybe two, for me to fall into a favorite writers words. To feel the rhythm of them or hear their voice in my ear. Everything else fades to black and I’m truly lost in the story. My faithful feet following the path the have made for me.
Erin Block never fails me in this regard. I always fall into her stories. Lose my self for a while in the text. It’s a welcome vacation that I gladly take, even if it’s brief one. This week I’m sharing a piece she wrote for Midcurrent called “The Naming.” I will not try to explain it for you. I’ll simply invite you to see for yourself why Erin is my favorite writer in fly fishing.
My favorite too, without question. She writes with a quiet dignity and deep thoughtfulness that I admire, drawing parallels that somehow always lead to the roots of things; to the elemental. She makes you think and appreciate.
Thanks for the pointer, Louis.
Erin Block’s writing capped with a pic of John Gierach? Can’t go wrong there…
Superb piece of writing. Thanks for pointing her out Louis. This has lots of soul. Very impressed!
John Zimmerman, not Gierach…but I guess they are the same age and both from Ohio!
Yeah, Jay’s the crotchety one.