Saturday Shoutout / Take The Kids

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DSC_8813_SnapseedThis weeks Shout out is all about taking the kids fishing.

Cameron Mortenson over at The Fiberglass Manifesto gets to thinking about how he, and just about everyone else, can do better by their kids. It’s an inspirational piece for busy parents.

Check out, “Parents, We Can All Do Better


Meanwhile, over at Stalking The Seam, Steven Brutger is getting down to brass tacks on how to make winter fishing with the kids a success rather than a tantrum, on anyone’s part. It’s great advice that will keep you and your kids out making memories during the colder months.

Check out, “Winter Fishing: With Kids


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Take The Kids

  1. Great stuff as usual from everyone!!! Parenting and mentoring can be a big challenge most of the time…sometimes we see a trip to the water as an escape. We are fly fisherman…we love challenge! Why not help the little ones in our lives escape too!

  2. “So, as we are all at the doorstep of the New Year, let’s make the decision to spend more time with our children outside. We’ll be better for it in the end and if fly fishing is going to translate to the next generation, then it’s up to all of us to show them how to do it.”

    Hear, hear Cameron. But not just parents. Grandparents, uncles and aunts, and everyone who cares about a kid need to pitch in. Parents may be tied down, so shoulder the load in giving kids an outdoor experience. Get those kids on the water and in the woods to experience real life fun as opposed to digital or electronic experience. I remember the time 60 years later that my uncle drove me as a 7 year-old in his pickup truck to a lake in New Jersey for “night fishing” (probably until midnight!)

    Our TU Chapter partners with a local orchard to do family fishing days on their seldom-fished irrigation ponds loaded with bream and bass. We are there to provide basic equipment and know-how to show parents how to take their kids fishing. Those of us who are immersed in fishing do not realize how little some parents know about the basics of fishing. Most of us started with live bait. It’s a start, and it’s fun for the kids. In time, some will become addicted.

  3. Yes!! The best parents take their kids fly fishing (well thats kind of what I made up in my head, and I’m glad you agree). My blog is most of the time geared towards encouraging parents to get their families out on weekend fishing/adventure trips. Although sometimes not as fruitful of fishing, always the best of memories for our kids (hopefully). Great read- I can relate in many ways!

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