Saturday Shoutout / Mike’s Gone Down The Rabbit Hole

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Photo by Thomas Harvey

Photo by Thomas Harvey

Mike Sepelak, alone in the dark and stench spins a tail that reads like Cormac McCarthy. You can pull up a seat, but you’ll only need the edge when you read, “Down The Rabbit Hole.” Simply the most fantastic fishing story I’ve ever read. Fantastic in every sense of the word.


“The huge streamer landed, with a splat, just out of lamp range and a foot to the left of the disturbance. Troy gave it an immediate pop strip and then paused. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing, until some nearby trash bobbed, ever so subtly. Troy twitched his rod tip with an equivalent genteelness.

All hell broke loose.

Trash and dark water exploded. Troy gave a mighty strip-set and his reel started screaming; reverberating eerily in the small concrete space. Fly line flew out like it was tied to a Ferrari. Forty, fifty, sixty feet. Beyond the bounds of our small dark enclosure. The beast, in his madness, had gone down an outflow and kept right on going. “

Don’t miss

 “Down The Rabbit Hole”



Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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