Playground Earth All-Terrain Relay – BFGoodrich Segment #1

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Taylor Sage pimpin BFG All-Terrain Tires on the Raptor after a successful run. Photo Louis Cahill

Three months ago, Louis and I traveled to the Miller Motorsports Park in Utah to take part in a three-day extreme off-road driving school sponsored by BFGoodrich. This was our first stop before we started the Playground Earth All-Terrain Relay, which was five different week-long adventures that took place over thousands of miles, all on one tough set of BFGoodrich All-Terrain tires. The professional instructors coached us in great detail on the specifications and capabilities of the BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO tires, and they spent significant time training us on advanced off-road driving techniques designed for conquering many different kinds of rugged terrains. We even learned how to manage the 450+ horsepower under the hood of the Ford Raptor with spurts of adrenaline pumping through our veins. Above all, we learned good driving technique and quality tires were the two most important elements when it comes to safe and successful off-roading.

Please check out the kick-off episode to the Playground Earth All-Terrain Relay, and then look for our own fly fishing adventure that’s coming soon. We had the BFGoodrich All-Terrain T/A KO tires for the second leg of the Relay, which took us off-roading through Oregon to fly fish for trophy brown trout on the famous Owyhee River. We’re excited to hear what all of you think of the first episode and we hope it gets you pumped up for the real relay adventure episodes that will follow.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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25 thoughts on “Playground Earth All-Terrain Relay – BFGoodrich Segment #1

  1. Looks like fun, you boys truly are living the dream all us “kids” wish we could be too… well done for chasing your dreams so hard, and achieving them along the way… no doubt years of hard work paying off right here… congrats boys, looking forward to the series…

  2. That’s wicked guys! Can’t imagine how much fun that was! Louis, your faces riding in that passenger seat are priceless! Can’t wait to see more

  3. That got my blood pumping this morning!! Hitting the jump at 50mph- holy crap! Can’t wait for y’alls fishing part in the series and more bad ass off road segments.


  4. Pingback: Proving Grounds Playground Earth – a SmithFly Cameo in an amazing web-i-sode adventure series. | The Fiddle and Creel

  5. Wow. Looks like you guys had fun. I think I’ll go little further off the beaten path when I go fishing tomorrow.

  6. That, my man, is my kind of vacation, pardon me work. Ha! I guess I will live vicariously through you two for the remainder of the videos. I am glad life is fun.

  7. Awesome video! My Dad and I went on a day long adventure up the sketchy Crystal River jeep road to try fishing but the water was too high. We borrowed a Jeep Wrangler and wish we could have had a course like this to practice on! Hoping to buy a cheap off road car to continue the fishing adventures! Thanks for sharing – Matt

  8. Very cool stuff – I fished the Owyhee for the first time this year – Can’t wait to see the footage. Keep up the good work fellas!

  9. Who wants to see and gink and gasoline fly fishing show? This guy right here!!!
    Great job boys. Represented the industry quite nicely.

  10. Lookig forward to seeing your guys experience on the owyhee and it’s brown town. By the way, a wildfire burned 47000 acres last week and they had to close down the entire fishery and evacuate everyone.

    • Mike,

      Holy crap man. I did not hear about the wild fire. Thanks for the update. We’ll keep everyone posted when the next episode comes out. Thanks for checking it out and commenting.


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