Help Out A Potcake

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Dixie is a sweetheart!

Dixie is a sweetheart!

I don’t know of a more endearing dog breed than the potcake.

These dogs are smart, affectionate and fiercely loyal. They are a mix of the working breeds colonist brought to the islands to work the plantations and over generations they have kept the best traits of each. It’s never worked out for me to bring one home, but some of my friends have and they’ve never regretted it.

The potcakes on South Andros have a pretty hard life. I’ve know, and become close to, a handful of them over the years. Every time I return to the island I wonder if they will still be alive. Too often the answer is no. When the fishing season is over and the lodges close and staff members go home, it’s pretty slim pickings for the potcakes.

IMG_5382It’s not that the Bahamians don’t love these dogs, they do but there are way too many of them. With no vet on the island to spay or neuter animals the population is like a wildfire and their numbers are regulated by starvation and disease. It’s heartbreaking to watch.

The folks at Andros South have been trying to do something about it for some time and on my last visit we talked with a fellow who passed on some valuable info. The staff at Andros South followed up and for the first time hotcakes on South Andros are going to get some veterinary care.

Andros South will be hosting a spay/neuter clinic on South Andros Island from December 9th – 11th organized by BAARK – A volunteer run organization dedicated to reducing the number of homeless dogs and cats throughout the islands of the Bahamas.

The doctors from BAARK will spay and neuter as many dogs as they can while there. This should go a long way to making a healthier and stronger potcake population on the island. Here’s the thing, BAARK is a volunteer organization.They are not paid employees and get no support from the public. They operate totally on donations.

Please consider making a donation to this cause. I can tell you from personal experience that these animals need our help.

A little bit goes a long way and donating is easy – Simply direct your browser to BAARK’s donation page by clicking right here, choose the ‘Spay and Neuter Program under the drop down menu and click ‘Donate.’ Any major credit card can be used, and payment is received securely through Paypal.

IMG_0011Next time you are in the Bahamas, think about taking a potcake home. They are amazing dogs and easy to adopt. All you need is a pet carrier which meets airline standards and a letter from a Bahamian vet stating that the dog is healthy and has had it’s shots. That costs about $20 in Nassau.

Thank you for your help and a big thank you to Mike Sanders and Kyle Shea for making this happen.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “Help Out A Potcake

  1. These dogs inhabit many of the Caribbean Islands as well. In Roatan they call them potlickers. I’ve literally seen them dying on the Streets in the poor sections, very sad.

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