G&G Takes You To Alaska!

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Mouth Full Of Wog  Photo by Louis Cahill

Mouth Full Of Wog Photo by Louis Cahill

I promised more Gink and Gasoline trips and I’m not going to make you wait!


edit-5907-2We have heard from a lot of you who are interested in a Gink and Gasoline trip but aren’t into a saltwater location. I’m happy to announce that we have an epic trout and salmon trip for you! Good times and amazing fishing in Western Alaska.

The destination is Alaska West Lodge on the Kanektok River in Western Alaska. The dates are July 25-Aug 1, this year. These dates can be hard to get and five spots have just opened up.

The Kanektok is an amazing fishery. The rainbow trout and salmon fishing is really good. Thirty inch rainbows are not uncommon and there is the opportunity to fish mouse patterns and streamers if you choose. It’s exciting and different from what you get in more pressured parts of the state. I fished AK West a few years ago and it was my best Alaska trip ever.

Here are the details.

DSC_6525July 25 – August 1.
7 nights lodging / 6 days fishing for $5550 per/person.
Included are guided fishing, lodging, meals, loaner gear and flies.
Additional costs are travel to Anchorage, round-trip charter to and from the river ($760), Alaska sport-fishing license ($55) and gratuities for the staff.


DSC_6546-2I hope you can make it. It’s going be an awesome trip. Shoot me an email at hookups@ginkandgasoline.com if you’re interested.

Let’s Go!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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6 thoughts on “G&G Takes You To Alaska!

  1. yup I may have to talk my wife into letting this be my 40th birthday trip! Was crazy jealous when Kent was guiding out there years ago, and now a chance to have access to that knowledge and get to meet the infamous Louis Cahill too. This may have to happen, time to pull in the purse strings, 3 kids will be working against me financially, but I can cut them back to one meal a day lol…

  2. oops I thought this was a post for 2015 trip, not sure how it ended up on my newest post list… oh well guess I missed it somehow.

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