7 Extraordinary Fly Fishing Artists

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Art by Paul Puckett

Art by Paul Puckett

By Carter Lyles

Art and fly fishing seem to be joined at the hip. Here are 7 artists we love and think you will too.

Paul Puckett

Honestly I don’t know where you have been if you haven’t yet heard of the work that Paul Puckett puts out. But it’s okay if you haven’t, because I am telling you now. Famous for his renderings of celebrities with fish, Paul, the owner of Flood Tide Co, has been behind the brush longer than he has a fly rod. Just check out what he did for us over here at Gink and Gasoline. I think it speaks for itself. http://paulpuckettart.com/

Derek DeYoung

Derek brings his own unique twist to fly fishing art, which is why he, and his company, has been so successful. Derek is not satisfied with attempting to make fish look realistic as possible, but rather bringing something new to the table captivates him. http://www.derekdeyoung.com/

Vaughn Cochran

This guy is the man. Vaughn, the owner of Black Fly Outfitters, Restaurant, and Lodge was a fly fishing guide in just about every saltwater destination south of Georgia that you can think of. His art is immediately recognizable due to the wide variety of colors used to portray saltwater fish. Another interesting fact about Vaughn is that he was apart of the original Jimmy Buffett Coral Reefers Band. Damn cool guy. http://www.vaughncochranart.com/

Eric Estrada

This Miami boy knows how to throw down on the paper. He is one of my personal favorite artists because his style has a modern twist to it. Eric has his own company known simply as, “Estrada Art.” Not only can he paint some bad ass salt-water fish, but also he makes some killer salsa that you can also find on his site: http://estradaart.com/

Andrea Larko

Glad to see a woman fly fishing artist. Andrea received her passion for fishing from her father who took her fishing when she was too young to even hold the rod. Andrea’s art is something special. Again, it is something completely and totally different. You talk about spunky? You’ve got to check her site out. She comes up with the most beautiful designs within fish that I’ve ever seen. http://andrealarko.com/

Mike Savlen

Mike uses strokes in his painting that bring about the vibrant, warm, and electrifying energy fly-fishing brings to the soul. Yes, that was deep, and so is his art. His art is meant for the serious fly fisher who shares a distinctive relationship with fly-fishing. Savlen’s art has been featured in just about every major fly-fishing magazine and collector’s from around the world are desperate to get his pieces. http://www.savlenstudios.com/

Daniel Lopez

Lopez is an urban designer who has a taste for seeing things differently. Just like our other artists, Lopez endeavors to be passionate about unifying his work from other fly fishing artists. Known for using bright, eye-catching colors, Daniel is the man when it comes to making fish “pop” with stimulating colors. http://www.flyartbydaniel.com/artwork.html

Carter Lyles
Gink & Gasoline
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8 thoughts on “7 Extraordinary Fly Fishing Artists

  1. We are blessed to have so many incredible artists outing out such a wide range of work relating to our obsession… Love all these guys and gals work…
    Another two great artists worth checking out, both South Africa based, and incredible in both their chosen mediums..
    Craig Bertram Smith for his incredible pencil sketch and real life paintings.. http://Www.craigbertramsmith.com
    And Chris Bladen for his jaw dropping sculptures… http://www.chrisbladen.com

  2. Definitely some of my favorite fly fishing artists… great post!

    Carter Lyles makes the statement that, “art and fly fishing seem to be joined at the hip.”

    Why is this so true? I believe that both are outward expressions of a personal and inward journey.

    So, yeah… some of these folks are as fun to hang out with as their art might indicate!

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