Feeling the love from my Katadyn water bottle during a long hike-in out west. Photo By: Louis Cahill
It’s late spring and everyday we’re moving one step closer to summer.
Air temperatures are climbing into the 70s and 80s on most days and will soon be even higher. These conditions make it extremely important that anglers are staying properly hydrated while they’re on the water fly fishing. I really enjoy hiking into remote locations to fly fish for trout. The only problem with me doing this, is I’m constantly fighting to quench my thirst and stay hydrated. I used to utilize packs with internal bladders for storing my drinking liquids, but there were quite a few disadvantages that came along with using them. First, when filled to full capacity, they become quite heavy and take a tole on your body lugging them around all day. Secondly, if you’re using them during the warm seasons and you’re doing some aggressive hiking and fishing, eventually that cold liquid you filled the bladder with in the morning will eventually warm up and end up tasting like bath water. Thirdly, internal bladder systems require maintenance and cleaning to keep them from building up bacteria and mold. Five years ago, I decided to ditch the internal bladder systems in exchange for a light weight water filtration bottle, and I’ve never looked back. Doing so, I eliminated the three negatives I mentioned above with using internal water bladders, and I no longer have to ration my water intake during the day. This product will keep you fresh during your time on the water and you’ll have far less fatigue when you return home.
Katadyn Water Filtration Bottles
There are several companies in the outdoor industry that manufacture water filtration bottles. Before I bought mine I took the time to ask several of my fly fishing buddies who spend a lot of time traveling and hiking to fly fish. Almost every fishing buddy of mine recommended that I go with the company Katadyn. Pricing and models range from $44.95-$79.50 and can safely filter 100 liters of water before the filter needs to be changed.
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Kent Klewein Gink & Gasoline www.ginkandgasoline.com hookups@ginkandgasoline.com Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
I go wth the LifeStraw. 1000 liters for $20.
Depending on your usage, you get a new one each season and you are covered.
The Life Staw is a cool alternative as well. It’s a little less expensive, but what I really like about mine is that it’s so much smaller, and therefore packable, than any water bottle. Plus, as long as you’re near fresh water, you’ll never run out of drinkable water. They also do a lot of charity work and have supplied many many people in 3rd world countries with Life straws so they have access to clean drinking water.
im all about the lifestraw as well. smaller and lighter and cheaper than any other alternative and supports a good cause when you purchase one.
I backpack w/ a Camelback All Clear. Its 100% uv and incredibly light. Ive started using a small screen filter w/ it as well to catch solids. Nice alternative to lugging the bladders around.
Curious if you’ve tried the Steri-Pen.
Though I have to admit having it all in one unit is appealing. That and the water still needs to be filtered…
So true!
Mine is a similar filter system from Aquamira.
Here’s my story on drinking systems:
I like your blog for many reasons, not the least of which is getting us to think or rethink fishing-related habits.
You make a good case and I agree with your negatives on the plastic bladder water supply. I do still like my water bladder for summer hikes and hike-in fishing, however, as it comfortably fits in my pack in the back and is always available for quick sipping without stopping to reach for a bottle which can fall out of the gear or be left behind. I freeze the water in it overnight, and on the day of the hike/fishing trip it provides iced and then cold water all day. On summer day-hikes it cools my back and body at the same time, which is a big plus for me. I generally do not fill it all the way to leave room for expansion when freezing and because I do not need that much water and weight.
I have a fishing buddy that drinks directly from some of our N. Georgia mountain streams, which has not yet caused him a problem. I am going to suggest your filter bottle to him. It would take only one case of giardia for him to regret his years of unfiltered/untreated drinking directly from streams.
Similar to Ralph I freeze a small amount of water in the bottom of my Camelbak then top it up just before leaving with carbonated water that has been allowed to go “mostly flat”. Gives a nice refreshing taste, is cool all day and I (hope/suspect) the carbon dioxide helps keep it clean
Thanks for the additional tip on the mostly flat carbonated water. Sounds like something for me to try.
Filter bottles like Katadyn are good but not foolproof. I got the serious runs after dipping and drinking from the Little River in DuPont Forest out of a Katadyn system – I’m attributing it to user error and not the product but just pointing out that nothing is 100% foolproof out there and be careful.
I’m glad you had a good experience with the Katadyn bottles. I was excited about mine for a trip to Yellowstone. Even bought the more expensive one with virus protection (unnecessary for Yellowstone, really).
The bad news is that the filter was clogged by the second morning of the trip and by the second afternoon, was completely unusable. You couldn’t even get water to pass through the filter and out the spout.
I even took care to fill the bottle from areas where the water was likely to be as silt-free as I could hope it to be.
It was a good thing that I was with other people who had traditional pump setups, or I’d have been drinking water straight from the stream. Since it was a short enough trip, I’d have been fine doing so, but still would obviously like to avoid needing to.
Like Mike, I’m curious about the steri-pen.