Stronger tippet, trout spey lines and new light line trout tapers from RIO in 2016.
The new Power Flex Plus nylon leader and tippet material is the big news from RIO this year. There are a lot of details but the big picture is a much stronger monofilament leader material with UV protection and some extra material for your hard earned dollars. Better tippet means more fish landed.
In fly lines RIO is focusing on the light side for 2016, with new ultra-light trout spay lines for switch rods and delicate presentation lines for light weight single hand fly rods. Everything you need to get technical with one hand or two.
Check out this video where Simon Gawesworth walks us through all of the new products from RIO.
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Hopefully, there will not be a problem with tying a fluorocarbon tippet to the new mono leader. With dry flies you want the tippet to sink a bit.
Fred, There’s really no problem tying mono to flouro as long as you use the right knot. I like the Seaguar’s Knot. Here’s a video.
Well, usually not. But, does the new Rio product have any special qualities that might preclude the flouro/mono matching….can we hear from Rio…John Harder, are you out there.
I use a 6 turn yucatan knot (without the bimini) to put fluoro tippets on mono leaders for carp and big trout streamers. I’ve never had the knot fail on any fish. I use that knot to build salt leaders too.
Yes, I do something like that for salt also. But, for 2-4 lb trout in Montana, a surgeons or blood knot is what I use for, say, 4X mono leader to 6X tippet. Hope it still works for the new Rio material. Not the salt by a long shot!
The use of fluorocarbon tippet with dry flies is way over-rated. Absolutely unnecessary – and a waste of money. Mono leader and tippet have the advantages of superior knot strength and low cost. If you are worried that mono is slightly more visible to the trout – think again. A 5X or 6X tippet appears as a hairline silhouette; if the drift is drag free, it means nothing to a trout. The relatively massive hook sticking out of the ass of a mayfly doesn’t seem to bother them, so why worry about the insignificance of a hairline mono silhouette v. fluorocarbon. And no, there is no good reason to want your tippet to sink and pull on the fly as it does. The density differences in 5X or 6X tippet types is another over-blown notion. Stick to a mono tippet for a season and you’ll see no difference.
Well, fishing a pond such as Hebgen out of West Yellowstone quickly gives you a visual difference between a floating vs. sinking tippet. Floating in the surface tension, a 5X or 6X tippet looks like a piece of cable leading to the fly. Hence the desire to sink the tippet. Tippet visibility under water isn’t a consideration. If you get a fish coming straight at you, then the floating tippet probably means nothing. But, most shots are to the side or even slightly going away.
In fact, I carry a little bit of Dawn in alcohol and, using a Rio Wonder Cloth, I lightly scrub the fluoro tippet every so often just to help sink it. Does it help me catch a few more fish? Who knows. I do know that the few of us who fish dry do like a tiny riffle; right or wrong we think it hides a floating tippet somewhat. Oh, one more thing…if two feet of 6X tippet, sinking a half inch or so below the surface pulls your fly under, you need more hackle.
On the Madison or in the Park…I don’t even think about mono vs. fluoro.
2 or 3 turn surgeons knot is all you need. its all I have been using for my 30+ years of fly fishing, from trout&bream to big tarpon. caught 3 world record black drum on orvis mirage in the 1990s. 2 turn surgeon knot from butt to tippet, both mono to flouro and all flouro. tie it right, make sure its tight, and you shouldn’t have problems.
Try a Japanese Figure 8. Easier, faster, and in-line. Better than the surgeon knot
Well, we all know how to tie knots. The original question was aimed at a question of whether the new leader material will affect the mating of fluoro to mono. I seemed to have failed. I even tried a second time after Louis’ reply. Still didn’t work…oh well.