Tag Archives: trout spey
Shooting Trout With An Elephant Gun
IF YOU’VE ADAPTED A SPEY OR SWITCH ROD TO SWING STREAMERS FOR TROUT YOU OBVIOUSLY DON’T CARE ABOUT THE NUMBERS. You probably enjoy both the casting aspect and fishing for a grab. If you wanted to whack 'em and stack you’d have your indicator rod, or...
Saturday Shoutout / Mike’s Poke
The Perry Poke is a super efficient spey cast, useful to any two-hand angler. In this video skagit legend Mike McCune shows you how to make the Poke off your downstream shoulder. This is a great cast to have in your bag no matter what species...
New Tippet Leaders and Lines From RIO
Stronger tippet, trout spey lines and new light line trout tapers from RIO in 2016. The new Power Flex Plus nylon leader and tippet material is the big news from RIO this year. There are a lot of details but the big picture is a much...
The Echo SR Switch, Trout Spey Gets Serious
I love chasing trout with two-hand rods. If you haven't figured this out yet, I'm a total fly rod nerd. Switch rods are somewhere near the top of the list of stuff I geek out about. I only need the flimsiest of excuses to start Spey...