Airflo has been knocking it out of the park lately.
Their Super Dri line, which came out earlier this year is one of the best trout lines I’ve ever cast. You can read more about that line HERE. Now Airflo is stepping up their saltwater game by adding Bruce Chard to their list of expert line designers.
It’s easy to see how this is a game changer. Airflo is an industry leader in materials and technologies and I don’t know,two,guys who know more about fly casting than Tim Rajeff and Bruce Chard.
The new Airflow, Bruce Chard line will feature the Airflo Ridge Technology and well as a low stretch core and the new Airflo Zone Technology. I’ve cast the prototype and let me tell you, it’s dynamite.
Check out this video where Bruce and Tim walk you through the features of the new line.
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Hmmmm….. I’ve been needing a new all purpose salt line. The tech makes sense and sounds like something you can really notice out on the water. May have to give this a look for sure.
With a first generation 9′ 8 weight Helios tip flex would you recommend overloading with the Airflow Saltwater.