Tim Rajeff on Understanding Fly Rod Action

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Fly rod action can be confusing, especially for the beginner. Terms like fast and slow, tip flex and mid flex, which we use to describe the action of a rod can be vague to the uninitiated. When it comes time to choose a rod that's right...

Tim Rajeff’s Abstract Hyper- Distance Theory of Fly Casting

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SO YOU WANT TO MAKE A LONG FLY CAST? WHO BETTER TO TELL YOU HOW THAN FORMER WORLD CHAMPION TIM RAJEFF. The name Rajeff rings out in the world of competitive fly casting. Brothers Tim and Steve have been a force of nature for decades, holding...

Getting A Grip On Fly Casting: Video

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No one grip is right for every casting situation. In general, there isn't enough said about grip in fly casting. I spent the first half of my life with a poor casting grip. I finally ran into a gentleman who helped me find a grip that...

Practice Your Fly Casting With A Plan

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I believe that most fly anglers don't practice their casting because they don't really know how. Most anglers count on fishing time to improve their casting. Fishing and practicing are two very different things and if you are working on your cast while fishing, you're not...

Saturday Shoutout / Echo Casting Tips

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No one knows more about fly casting than the Echo Man, Tim Rajeff. I can watch Tim cast for hours. It’s just a thing of beauty, but in addition to being one of the worlds best casters, Tim is also the best casting instructor i know....