Sunday Classic / Better Posture For Line Speed

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Got Power? Photo by Louis Cahill


Remember when your Mother told you to stand up straight?

Yeah, forget all that. Posture matters but so few people think about the basics, like how they stand when they cast. The basics are exactly what makeup great casting technique so today Bruce is going to explain how your stance can put power into your cast. It’s a simple tip that will really help you punch that line into the wind so watch and practice.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / Better Posture For Line Speed

  1. Louis,

    I understand and agree with the tip if you are trying to get the cast way out there, especially in the wind. One thing that I always felt was bad when redfishing off my flats boat was rocking the boat and creating disturbance, especially in calm water. I tried to limit lapping on the side of the boat, let alone creating waves and disturbance. Many fish I caught were a short toss away with a stealthy cast with minimal false casting. I carried that over to bonefishing with success. The method demonstrated is quite a bit more movement than I was taught to do by my guides for bonefish and tarpon. I guess if the water is rough or you (or your guide) can see fish at the limit of casting range and you are capable of an accurate long-range cast, getting a low center of gravity for line speed is the ticket. Doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea. I will practice it and try it the next time I get out on the salt. Frankly I never heard of this before.

  2. I noticed he dropped down into more of a sidearm cast when he crouched down. Dropping the whole cast closer to the water will get it below a lot of wind and help quite a bit too.

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