Saturday Shoutout / All About Tenkara

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It’s time for some tenkara

I’m really excited about the positive response to the first article on G&G by Daniel Galhardo, founder of Tenkara USA. I’m excited to have him as part of the G&G family and you will be seeing more content from Daniel on this rapidly growing style of fly fishing.

But I’m not going to make you wait! I’m linking to three of Daniel’s efforts outside of G&G so you can get your tenkara fix today.

“What is Tenkara?” A short video on the basics of tenkara

Ask about Fly Fishing

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The Ask About Fly Fishing interview with Daniel is everything you want to know about tenkara.


Tenkara Biking

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Tenkara Biking” a short video story. Go on a mountain bike ride and do some fishing with Daniel.


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / All About Tenkara

  1. Tenkara is a blast. I grew up in Hawaii fishing cane poles so a Tenkara rod feels right at home in my hand, I also used 12-20 foot long telescopic fiberglass crappie poles for nymphing the Provo River in the late 80’s (worked well but was too heavy) so was thrilled when Daniel started Tenkara USA series and made available high-tec cane (carbon) poles. Works great in pocket water, ponds and spring creeks. I even caught rainbows and salmon in Alaska on Tenkara tackle (broke off more fish than those landed). Although special Tenkara flies are always mentioned and they work, Tenkara tackle can easily be adapted for all medium to small fly patterns, especially dry flies, emergers, terrestrials, nymphs, soft hackle wet flies, scuds/sowbugs, egg patterns, bluegill poppers, leeches and mini streamers. I often rig Up my Tenkara rod with a micro strike indicator and 2 flies for nymphing or a dry/nymph dropper rig if fish are rising. I especially like that I can have a wading staff in one hand and a Tenkara rod in the other for slippery, rocky streams. Have fun!

  2. Today, John forwarded to me the Tenkara article you sent him, so to me too.
    I had read the earlier article on G&G and told John of my interest. When I was a
    kid in TN some of the older black people used long cane/willow/bamboo poles drop
    Bass lure into inaccessable “holes” and Bass would burst through the surface.
    They would tie one end of their line around the thick end of the pole and the other end to the tiny tip so if the rod broke they still had something for supper.

    Shalom, dg

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