Fly Fishing: Is Guide Competition Good or Bad?

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A few weeks ago, I chose to do something I never would have done, when I first started guiding. I made a point to accept an invitation from one of my local competitors to go fly fishing together. In the past, I would have passed...

Fly Fishing in Gloves Gets Better with Time

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DO YOU EVER FLY FISH IN GLOVES? If you answered no, don't make the mistake of thinking just because you tried fly fishing in gloves a couple times and couldn't stand them, that you'll always feel that way. Believe me, I been there, I used to...

10 Tips to Keep You Catching Fish During Your Fly Fishing Travels

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It's easy to get out of your game when you're traveling and fly fishing a new piece of water. It has happened to me plenty of times, where I find myself fly fishing and going against all my fishing catching principles. Stick to what works for...

NZ Guide, Chris Dore Talks Kiwi Nymphing

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SO THE OTHER DAY, I NOTICED I RECEIVED AN INTRIGUING EMAIL FROM ONE OF OUR GINK & GASOLINE FOLLOWERS, COMMENTING ON MY ANGLER POSITIONING POST. It just so happened to be Chris Dore who sent the email, a very popular fly fishing guide from New Zealand. We...

The Fight Isn’t Over When You Get a Tarpon Boat-Side

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Catching a tarpon on the fly is a feat most fly fishers dream about but never experience. Some fly anglers get lucky right out the gates, but for most of us, catching one of these beasts on the fly often takes several trips to accomplish....