Saturday Shoutout / Terrace Chrome

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Maybe it’s because I love steelhead so very much.

Or maybe it’s because I just got home from a steelhead trip and wish I was back there. For whatever reason this beautiful film on wild steelhead of British Columbia really hit home. It’s soulful and beautifully shot and I just can’t stop hitting the replay button.

Take a ride with guide and steelhead bum, Darren Wright. Chase some wild steelhead in Terrace, British Columbia. If you’re anything like me, you’ll find yourself in a whole new state of mind. God! I love steelhead.

Enjoy Terrace Chrome


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Terrace Chrome

  1. You are two lucky men! Traveling to fish and use fantastic gear to fish darn near every and any, “Bucket List” place that I can think of. I could be jealous, but I’m grateful, instead, for all the places that I’ve fished already and that I’ve still got time to travel more.
    I’d like to roll with G&G someday soon!

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