Sunday Classic / Glass and Grass

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What a Morning Photo by Louis Cahill

This is a sight flats guides love. Those glassy calm mornings during the hot summer months when islands of floating grass stack up along the edges of current seams. When you see it you know something good is about to happen. It’s called a shrimp hatch.

Hatch is a misleading term. The shrimp aren’t actually hatching, they’re dying. Suffocating to be exact. Like a trout stream, the water in the ocean must be replenished with fresh oxygen for aquatic life to survive. The ocean however, does not have riffles turning out oxygen around the clock. Aquatic plants provide some oxygen through photosynthesis but not at night, so the ocean relies heavily on wind to oxygenate the water when the sun is down. This becomes even more crucial as water temperature rises. Since warmer water holds less oxygen it must be replenished more often.

On those still hot nights the shrimp are suffocating and leave the safety of the turtle grass to look for oxygen on the surface. There, they are an easy meal for all of our favorite game fish. The shrimp take cover in the floating grass and the fish nose around in the grass looking for them. The fishing can be awesome so when the evenings are hot and still get up and out early and look for the glass and grass.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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