Saturday Shoutout / Silver Linings

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Even if you’ve never lifted a fly rod in pursuit of a tarpon, Silver Linings will make your heart skip a beat.

Silver Linings is a film from the good folks at World Angling. It showcases some great Key West tarpon fishing and sheds light on issues that put it in peril. See some amazing fish and the work that’s being done to protect them from the new Royal Caribbean Panmax cruse ships.

Watch Silver Linings and REFUSE TO CRUSE PANMAX!

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / Silver Linings

  1. That’s a great video about tarpon fishing and the impact the cruise industry is having on the environment around Key West. I’m not sure exactly where they are in the process of voting/determining whether to dredge for these mega cruise ships, but I hope the legislators and decision makers in Key West can see impact that dredging could have on the bay, as well as the fishing industry in the area. Makes me wanna go chase silver my friend!

  2. Great piece. For now, the study and possible dredging was defeated (and by a pretty large margin!), so the mega ships will stay out of that canal. It’s actually a bit over the heads, and pay grade, of the local vote…there would have to be federal law changes and more at the state and Federal levels before any dredging could actually take place. The Corps of Engineers themselves had admitted that there would be significant environmental impact and I’m sure that prevented a lot of the usual kool-aid drinkers from voting along with a “quick-buck” solution. This particular vote is only binding to the current town council, so the issue will require constant vigilance. If the local vote is ever passed, this could easily gain traction. The good news on that front, for now at least , is that 75% of the local vote doesn’t want the canal.
    Personally, I’m always blown away by the fact that there is even a market for ships like that. I don’t understand the desire to take a cruise like that. That’s just my opinion, though. Obviously, there are quite a few people who disagree with me.

  3. I have never understood why people go on giant ships to visit a different port each day and basically see the same type of shops at every stop. I can’t imagine going to Key West and not be on flats boat fishing. I hope the “people” of Key West keep their senses and fight this tooth and nail. Loved the video.

  4. The preservation of the reef and the flats is a no-brainer. That aside, just how many people can they fit at a time on that tiny island and have it remain attractive even to the most casual tourist, let alone the folks who would shell out big bucks for a hotel room or condo and are there for much more than Duval Street? Sure, the place is unusual and has an attractive flavor. I love it and went there for a week with my family every year from ’88 to 2000, but we spent most of our time on or in the water. I am not sure how the “pro-mega ship” votes among the locals expect that adding thousands more bodies on Duval Street will impact enjoyment of the experience. Either they think more is always better, or they are looking to stuff as many dollars in their pocket as they can before the island sinks under the weight of their own stupidity.

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