Cat Island Bones

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White sand, blue water, bonefish and rum. What more do you need?

Cat Island is not known as a bonefishing destination. It’s a quiet island with beautiful beaches, warm people and modest fishing opportunities, compared to its neighbors. It’s not South Andros or Bimini but it’s a place I have grown to love.

The flats fishing is purely a DIY scene. The fish are small but really spooky and that makes them rewarding to catch them. They are a food source for the locals, so the fish who are on the flats have earned that right. I take a kayak and paddle to some flats I know to spend the day wading. The bonefish are always good to me.

It was inevitable that I get a GoPro camera. I took it with me on my last trip to Cat Island and shot this video. So, have a click and enjoy five minutes of Cat Island Bones!

Read more about DIY bonefishing in the Bahamas (Here)

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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8 thoughts on “Cat Island Bones

  1. Really cool video Louis! I’ve done a little research into some of the lesser traveled islands like Cat Is. and Mayaguana. They both offer DIY, but I think I remember reading that on both islands you can actually hire locals to take you to some of the more productive flats they fish, as well as carry a lunch, drinks, and keep up with your kayak while you’re on the flat. I thought that was pretty cool. Definitely need to get back on the Bahamian flats with my 8wt though. And soon!

  2. Please don’t post any more information about this wonderful island. I have visited Cat the last 3 years and my wife and I love it. This remote out island is the best way for seclusion. I have been staying at Fernandez Bay Village with the Armbrister’s but met Matt and Sooner this past trip when we visited Julian and Da Smoke Pot. We will be with the Halverson’s on our next trip. I am glad to see that the northern harbour holds good bonefish grounds. I’ve been a long time reader, but when you start finding my hidden treasure, then I had to comment. Love the material.

  3. I really like the vid and the music!
    Loved the article and it is great to see it in motion now.
    I do have a question; is it a GoPro 1 or 2? The underwatershots are pretty blurred and these camera’s have some issues with that. The 3 and 3+ not. If not a 1 or 2; then you should lick (yes…) the lens sometimes and use anti-fog inserts.

  4. Well…love the video. The CnR shots are great and for some reason its funny to see the bones zip by the camera in the underwater shots. Your music selection really helps me understand the real louis cahill…lol. I really like the vid..

  5. I have been there in December 2014 and I think I have met you during the fly fishing in Bennett’s harbour Cat Island.
    I’m from Italy. You have given me a fly. I will return there in December for Christmas. If you’ll come back there, maybe we’ll meet.
    Leopoldo Nardini

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