Bruce Chard’s Palolo Worm

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Photo by Louis Cahill

The palolo worm hatch in the Florida Keys truly must be seen to be believed.

Tarpon go completely crazy when these bright red worms pour out of the sand by the millions. The fish gorge themselves on worms and quite a few of those worms are cleverly tied imitations. It’s the fishing opportunity of a lifetime.

My good friend Captain Bruce Chard has this hatch wired. I’ve fished the hatch with Bruce and his success rate is astounding. Today he’s going the share the simple but effective fly that makes it happen. There’s not much to the tie. Anyone can pull it off, but when you see it in action it looks like a million bucks.

Watch the video and learn to tie Chard’s Palolo Worm.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Bruce Chard’s Palolo Worm

  1. Looks pretty juicy. Always wanted to see this hatch. You hear so much about it each year. I heard through the grapevine that these worms give Tarpon a little buzz any truth to this? Kinda like slamming 3 beers on an empty stomach.

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