Sunday’s Classic / Fly Fishing, No Pain No Gain

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A happy but tired angler. Photo By: Louis Cahill

Have you ever felt like this when you got back to the truck after a long day of fishing?

Giving it my all on the water is a trait I strongly believe in for my fishing and guiding. I always try to make a point to explain to all my clients, that as long as they give it their all and have fun on the water, that’s all that really matters. There’s no reason for them to be disappointed about having a slow day on the water or get upset when a big fish fails to eat, so long as they took the time to approach their holes with stealth, made their best presentations, and fine-tuned their rig and pattern choice. After all, that’s why it’s called fishing not catching, right? We can only do so much as anglers, and even when we bring our best, there still will be times when we won’t be able to persuade certain fish to eat our flies.

Keep this in mind next time you go out to wet a line. Don’t lose sight of the big picture, which is to always enjoy your time on the water and learn. And don’t fish lazy, try to consistently give it your all when your out fly fishing. This way, whether you experience that epic day of fishing or not, at least you can walk away guilt-free knowing you didn’t half-ass it on the water. The trout will respect you for it.

I think Andrew Bennett put it best when he said we should always, “Fish hard and rest easy”.

Keep it Reel,

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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6 thoughts on “Sunday’s Classic / Fly Fishing, No Pain No Gain

  1. Every year me and some pals head north for king salmon and steelhead, two separate trips lasting a long weekend. Our M.O. Is to fish and fish hard. On the water no later than 5am and usually fish until 6pm with no getting off the water. The last day we fish until noon get in the vehicle and drive 8 hours home. While fishing we may jockey positions, drink some water, smoke a cigar or sip some whiskey, but we constantly fish. We all catch fish, and have a ball. We come home feeling like we had a great time regardless of what or how many we caught.

    • Trap,

      That sounds very familiar my friend. The last day of this trip we fished until 5:30pm and Louis and I drove non-stop all the way back to GA. I think it was 18-19 hours total. Turned out not to be a very good idea. Somehow we survived without any incidents. We were zombies. Next trip around we will add another day in the schedule for travel. I’m too old for that cannonball run stuff anymore. Thanks for comment.


  2. I enjoy making trips like this and because of my schedule I make them often. Up early for the drive up, standing on the bank waiting for the first morning light to make my first presentation of my day. Fish my ass off until dark, whether its for 1 or 51 trout, and then drive back home with the windows rolled down, music blaring, and a red bull in my right hand. Just can’t get enough.

  3. Those who thrive solely on fish count and fish size for success are entitled to their approach, but in my opinion they are missing out on the real reasons to fish. And they are setting themselves up for disappointment where the same day can produce so much satisfaction and fun.

  4. To quote an anonymous source ” A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work” Fished all day today with my son in law, caught 4 fish, but we had a great day. Enjoyed the sunshine, beer, and friendship.

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