This weeks Saturday shoutout I provide two reads that together sum up Gink & Gasoline’s blog theme. Creative writing and fly fishing instruction. Both are gems that I think will give most of you your saturday fly fishing fix.
Catching Trout with Dry Flies Year Round
First up, is an extensive fly fishing article written by Tom Rosenbauer that talks about how fly anglers can catch trout on dry flies twelve months a year. As usual, Tom provides all the how to information and talks in great detail so you’re sure to be able to go out on the water and put the tips to work after reading it. Check out this great read at Orvis Learning Center.
The Mick Jagger of Stealhead
The second read is from the blog Dude Water, a place I’m going to start visiting more regularly for the great writing. The read is a piece titled, “Me and Mick”, a beautifully written stealhead story of an angler catching his biggest stealhead ever, how it touches his soul and his recounts of his imaginary communication with the big buck he nick named Mick. It’s one of the best fishing tales I’ve read in quite a while. Check it out.
Keep it Reel,
Come fish with us in the Bahamas!
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