The Speed Knot

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Little things make a difference.

When you watch a really good fisherman you notice a lot of those little things, the details that add up to kicking ass on the water. My friend Will Sands is like that. One of those super technical fisherman who has thought through the smallest details.

I’ve always liked the way Will ties a clinch knot. The first time I saw him do it, it was so fast it looked like magic. In a day of fishing to picky trout where you change flies a lot I wouldn’t be surprises if it added up to an extra thirty minutes of fishing, and Will can catch a lot of fish in thirty minutes.

Will slows it down for you in this video.

Thanks to Taylor Creek Fly Shop for lending Will to me for an afternoon.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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10 thoughts on “The Speed Knot

  1. The Double Davy knot is faster, stronger, more reliable, has a much smaller footprint, and uses much less tippet. I can’t think of a single reason to use an improved clinch knot instead of the DD.

    • Dave, I totally agree regarding the Double Davy. However, are you able to use it when attaching a dropper to the host fly’s hook?

      • It takes a little practice, but yes, the Double Davy can be used to attach a length of tippet to a hook bend for a dry-dropper combo. I prefer to use the Uni-knot for that attachment. I like to pre- tie the tippet to the nymph with the DD and pre-tie the Uni-knot at the other end. If you pre-tie a few of these, adding the dropper to the dry takes just a few seconds.

      • Neither the clinch or improved clinch knot have the advantages of the Double Davy:
        speed, strength, reliability, small footprint, saves tippet. Davy Wotton developed the original Davy knot during his years as a competitive fly. fisherman because of the speed and strength. The extra wrap used in the DD knot is necessary when the hook wire diameter is significantly larger than the tippet diameter. It only takes a few seconds extra. Once you perfect the mechanics of the Double Davy there is not one good reason to tie a clinch knot.

  2. It does look like a lot of wasted tippet, but much faster, and who cares about tipped when its 8:50pm and there are trout rising all around you. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I use my forceps to tie this instead of my fingers–eliminates getting stuck in the finger, like that first fly did him. Be sure to wet the tippet before drawing the knot tight.

  4. NOTE: The video lists this as the Davy – but it is in fact the Double Davy knot. The original, single Davy knot eliminates the final wrap shown. Good luck to all.

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