Sunday Classic / Fixing A Twisted Fly Line In Seconds

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Every fly angler has experienced a wicked twist in their fly line causing it to tangle and knot at their feet.

It may be caused by a flawed casting stroke, a big fly twisting in the wind or it may be God punishing you for masturbating. Regardless of why it occurs, it’s frustrating at the least and heartbreaking at the worst. There’s nothing worse than taking a shot at the fish of a lifetime, only to have your cast cut short by a knot in your guides.

Fortunately, a twisted fly line is easy to fix. You don’t have to lose valuable fishing time, while stripping the entire line off the reel and towing it behind the boat or letting it hang in the current. You can fix that twist in seconds.

In this video, our good friend Zack Dalton from RIO Products shows you how.

Come fish with us in the Bahamas!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “Sunday Classic / Fixing A Twisted Fly Line In Seconds

  1. I always get a kick out of the “fish of a lifetime,” comment.
    Every writer, pundit, and guy hawking some sort of product uses it. This’s scare tactic comes up so often, you’d think it we run into the fish of a lifetime day in, day out.. As for the other reasons we have problems ….well no comment

  2. Well, that certainly beats the advice of taking the reel off the rod and rotating it till the line straightens out. That would suck to drop the reel in drink. I like this method way better. Nice…

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