Every once in a while a blog post comes along that makes me slap my forehead and say, “That’s brilliant! Why didn’t I think of it?”
His week my hat’s off to Andrew Bennett at Deneki Outdoors for his insightful look at the,
“13 Habits of Highly Effective Anglers”
Just for fun Kirk Werner Follows up with a guest post,
“13 Habits of Unaccomplished Anglers”
Nicely done Andrew! There is something on this list for everyone no matter how long you’ve been at the game. Whether he’s fishing, blogging or running a fishing lodge Andrew doesn’t do anything half way. You could do worse things with your day than read his thoughts on fishing.
Here are a few more.
10 Ways to Justify Your Fishing Trip
5 Ways to Blow a Shot at a Bonefish
5 Ways to Catch More Alaskan Rainbow Trout
Spey Fishing for Trout, Part 3 – Tactics
Come fish with us in the Bahamas!
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline www.ginkandgasoline.com hookups@ginkandgasoline.com Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Omg, #11 on “13 habits of unaccomplished anglers” Is hilarious. How coy yet so true. Couldn’t help but laugh for a minute. There’s definitely something for everyone though.