Kiss the Bank with Your Terrestrials

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Kiss the Banks with Terrestrials for Trophy Trout

One of the best times of the year to catch big brown trout is during the summer months.

When the terrestrial bite is in full swing, brown trout will often tuck up under overhanging foliage super tight to the banks. Often they’ll be in less than a foot of water waiting patiently for the land born insects to fall to the water for an easy meal. Targeting this habitat on the water will increase your brown trout catch ratio over rainbow trout. Although rainbow trout will utilize overhanging foliage, they still prefer foam lines with current and deeper water for the most part.

Target Overhanging Foliage

This beast above devoured a beetle pattern that was placed perfectly in the strike zone. Kiss the banks with your terrestrials targeting undercut banks and overhanging foliage, and you could land a trophy like this. Just because they’re isn’t current doesn’t mean it won’t hold a good trout. The main factor is finding areas with overhanging trees, grassy banks, and bushes that provide opportunities for terrestrials to make a mistake and fall in the water. Current just needs to be close by. Scan likely holding water before you begin fishing. That was the key to landing this fish. I spotted the tail of this brown and we knew where to make our cast.

Notice the large blooms on the rhododendron in the picture to the left. These blooms are magnets for bugs and increase the chances it will hold trout close to the area.


Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline

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2 thoughts on “Kiss the Bank with Your Terrestrials

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