G&G’s Beginner Series: Taking the Plunge

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Photo by Louis Cahill

Photo by Louis Cahill

By Justin Pickett

As a beginner in the fly fishing world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

And confused and while meandering aimlessly through a fly shop, or magazine, or a “big box” sporting goods store. The thought, “where the hell do I start”, probably runs across just about every beginner’s mind as they try to figure out the best way to step onto the fly fishing scene. I know I had similar thoughts when getting into fly fishing many years ago.

Orvis, Cabelas, and BassPro catalogues were my only real tools for taking on the daunting task of figuring things out. Websites like Youtube and Vimeo didn’t exist, so there were no how-to videos, gear reviews, or podcasts. What the heck is tippet??? You basically learned from other fishermen, or from what you read in a book or magazine. I didn’t have any relatives that were avid fly anglers. I had an uncle who loved bass fishing, and I had been with him several times.

When I was very young, my parents purchased a small lot in the back of a cove on Lake Sinclair where I grew up drowning worms. So yea, I had plenty of experience fishing, but fly fishing might as well have been another language. Yet, something drew me to pursue it. The thought of the skill involved and the elegance of the fly cast itself. The ability to toss dry flies and poppers to bluegill and bass sounded like endless fun. And, to me, the challenge of learning how to catch trout on the fly while wading a river or stream sounded awesome.

So, where would I start? How would I put together the skills and gear needed in order to be successful and have fun while learning how to fly fish? Well, I quite literally had to just figure things out through trial and error. Quite honestly some of the only footage of fly casting that I had access to was an old recorded VCR taping of ….. yes…. A River Runs Through It…. But that’s what I had so I made it work.

No worries though.

Fortunately, you beginners these days have copious amounts of resources to use for your learning needs. Just about any how-to video, gear review, podcast, or written article is at your fingertips. This series of articles will be focused on how you can get yourself what you need to have fun out on the water and learn how to fly fish. What’s necessary, and what’s not. Useful resources and insight on recommended gear that won’t break the bank. Whether it be trout, bass, striper, carp, redfish, tarpon, or (heaven help you) permit, we’ll do our best to give you the tools you need to be a successful fly angler.

For now, here are some resources to get the wheels turning.

First Fly Rods

The Echo Micro Practice Rod for Teaching Fly Casting

5 Reasons Why Pocket Water Is Suited For Beginners

5 Reasons Why Turbulent Water Can Provide Great Trout Fishing

5 Reasons People Don’t Catch As Many Trout As They Should

Why All Fly Anglers Should Be Watching Their Back Cast

Fly Fishing Tips for Stocked Trout

Justin Pickett
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “G&G’s Beginner Series: Taking the Plunge

    • This is THE best resource I have found besides online resources. It’s what I started with and I like the fact that it was all comic book style illustrations not super fancy technical terms. I carried it in my backpack on the river while learning the ropes. The online video library Orvis offers is extremely helpful as well.

  1. Good Stuff…

    The watershed event, “A River runs through IT” was a great visual teacher.. man that takes me back…’ I remember shadow casting like Paul on a huge rock in with 5 inches of water surrounding me in all directions on a troutless stream….. fun stuff

    Ialso like the casting videos From the same NZ guys that put out “Once in a Blue Moon”

  2. Pingback: Gink and Gasoline helps out the beginner and beyond. – Grindstone Sabbatical

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