What does it take to be a bad ass Alaska fly fishing guide?
Let’s dig around in Whitney Gould’s pocket and find out! Looks like some twenty pound mono, misc tying materials, candy wrappers, a Thing-a-mabobber, a cool heart shaped rock, an empty Pepto pack and a week old Twix. Whitney has the right stuff. In addition to guiding for trout and salmon at Alaska West she is a champion spey caster and the only person I have ever seen kill a salmon with a single boot to the head. She’s a bad ass. She will be hosting Lady’s Week at Andros South this year.
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline www.ginkandgasoline.com hookups@ginkandgasoline.com
A cute bad ass she is!
Aww sookie sookie
Way to go Whit. Your Italian buddies
That’s my girl Whit! Did you ever eat that twix?