Striped Bass, Making The Best of Global Warming

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Down Home Striper photo by Louis Cahill

I’ll be honest. This is not going to make you feel any better about climate change. But you’ve got to get your silver linings where you can find ’em. With temperatures in the south east going from miserable to intolerable, a lot of what used to be trout water is rapidly becoming, well, not so much trout water any longer. The upshot of this is that some of these challenged rivers are finding new life as warm water fisheries. There are striped bass in many of the lakes in the region and as water temp soar, they run up the rivers in search of cold water. Some of these rivers are getting pretty decent runs. Five to ten pound fish are pretty common but there are big boys too. Up to fifty pounds. Stripers are a great species on fly and a big one will keep you busy for a few minutes. Here’s my buddy James with a twenty six pounder.


James Buice Holds My Fish photo by Louis Cahill

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline

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2 thoughts on “Striped Bass, Making The Best of Global Warming

  1. If you or Kent ever want to hit the water on Lewis Smith Lake in Alabama just let me know, some of the best fishing, and biggest striper in the state. I have a house on the lake and would love get out there sometime with some people that know what they’re doing (cause I don’t, for striper that is)

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