This image and many others could be yours!
If your not aware of the Colorado Greenbacks, you should be. I’m not talking about the beautiful and delicate native cutthroat, rather the enthusiastic group of anglers dedicated to saving them for the future. The Greenbacks are a sort of subchapter of Trout Unlimited. A group of young and energetic anglers that have grown tired of business as usual and taken off in their own vibrant direction. These guys are the future of TU, if not the future of Fly Fishing on the whole.
On February 2nd the Greenbacks are are throwing a party. The second annual Surface Film fly fishing photography show. Prints will be on display, and for sale, from the best fly fishing photographers in the biz. I’m honored to be on the list. There will be eating and drinking and music and all the cash goes to conserving the wild trout water of Colorado, which is a national treasure. If you never fished Colorado get off your ass and get to it! It’s amazing, and it belongs to all of us not just the good people of Colorado. So please support the Greenbacks. The fish and the guys working so hard to protect them.
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Thanks, Louis! Nice shot by the way!
Thank you!
Ummm….is this one of those pictures that you have to stare at one spot then move your eyes and you see a naked fat chick? I’ve been trying to find her now for like 3 hours.
She looks skinny to me… maybe you’re not holding your mouth the right way
Are you guys drinking Robitussin again?
Looking forward to it! Last year I bought a copy of your Dream Stream photo. I’ll be looking for another one to fill space on my wall this year too.
Dude, that’s awesome! Thanks for supporting the cause and I’m honored that you chose one of my images.
It’s a stereogram!