An Amazing Gift

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When the package from Sightline Provisions arrived, I couldn’t wait to see what was inside.

Every day I make a concerted effort not to write about my dog. Today I get the chance. Since I brought Josie home from South Andros my life has changed for the better. This little Potcake, who nearly starved, has been the best thing to happen to me in years. She is the most joyful soul I have ever known.

JosieWhen I saw Edgar Diaz, of Sightline Provisions, at the IFTD show, I told him Josie’s story. A wild puppy born under a bush at the Andros South Lodge during Hurricane Mathew, she was far too skittish to take food from the folks at the lodge. She was half the size of her siblings when she was three months old. Every year I see half of these adorable puppies disappear before they are a year old. When I looked into this dogs eyes I couldn’t bare the thought.

The problem was, she was impossible to catch.

The guys at the lodge had named her Permit, because no one could catch her. I spent a week trying to win her trust, waiting for her to fall asleep, and eventually tossing her peanut butter laced with Benadryl. Nothing worked. On the last day, I was on the phone with my wife, telling her I was not able to catch the puppy, when I heard a cheer from outside my room. Jason Whiting had made a spectacular dive and grabbed the little Potcake.

I named her Josie, after my friend Josie Sands who guides at Andros South. I rib him about it but I hope he knows it is a true sign of affection. I am on a mission to make Josie the most spoiled dog on the planet and it’s coming along nicely. Potcakes are wicked smart and Josie has pretty much trained herself. It took only two days to house break her and the little dog named permit now follows my every command. It’s not often that she does something bad but when she does we call her by her island name, Permit.

IMG_8855Edgar Diaz, being a dog lover and generally cool guy, was touched by her story. A couple of months after IFTD a package arrived from Austin Texas addressed to Josie. Inside was this beautiful hand made collar with a sterling silver permit. A permanent reminder of my little dogs humble beginnings, and her new life in America. I was floored.

I have been fortunate to have been given many wonderful things, which I could never afford. I enjoy and appreciate them all, but a kindness done for my dog is another thing entirely. That goes straight to my heart. I am truly touched and humbled. Thank you Edgar.

If you enjoyed this story, please take a minute to check out Edgar’s work. And if you think you’d like to adopt one of the worlds greatest dogs, check out the Royal Bahamian Potcake Rescue. If you’d like to contribute to the Potcake spay and neuter program, visit B.A.A.R.K.

You can read all about my Josie and learn everything you need to know to bring a dog home from the Bahamas (It’s easy) by clicking the link below.



Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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11 thoughts on “An Amazing Gift

  1. The act of adopting a rescue/stray/mall/pound/shelter dog will be rewarded in unimaginable ways. Most of all you will have a friend and companion that will be forever grateful. Dogs that are rescued from lives of abandonment, neglect and/or abuse will never, ever forget your good heart. Ask any adult who has found and/or adopted a dog and they will confirm the palpable sense of gratitude that is as mystical as it is real.

  2. Great story. One lucky pup and an even luckier human.

    I have a “Redfish” braclet made by Edgar. It’s a great wearable piece of art made by one of the locals here in Austin.

  3. I adopted a 1-1//2 year old cocker spaniel from the local SPCA that had been terribly traumatized by her previous owner(s). Her muscles were atrophied from no exercise, she was afraid of every dog that came near her (she growled and acted very aggressively toward them but wouldnt attack) and she loved women and was indifferent to men. Cocker spaniels are very loyal dogs and her previous owner tied her up to a light pole and left her there where a jogger saw her and called it in to the animal control officer.

    She definitely felt betrayed; it took her one whole year to trust me (from October to October). I walk her every morning for 1-1/2 – 2 hours where she can be off the leash and chase rabbits & squirrels and flush turkeys. In that year I slowly taught her to not fear other dogs by making her sit when one went by. Slowly I was able to let her greet passing dogs and now after a year she acts normal around most strange dogs and even has a few dog friends that she looks forward to playing with at the local dog park. In that year two times she had a pit bull lunge at her and I grabbed it by the collar, twisted it and forced its head to the ground. It was after the second incident that I noticed a definite change in her. Before she wouldnt sit next to me on the couch. She would go all the way to the other end and put her butt facing me. Now she sits touching my leg and often lays her head on my lap, something she never did before. She has beautiful muscle tone now and I keep her hair as short as possible (according to the climate). I have had her for 13 months now and she is the absolute best companion I could ever hope for; very obedient, loyal and I even taught her not to bark (most of the time) when there is something going on outside. Now she gives a very soft ‘woof’ to let me know.
    I commend you on saving Permit from a dismal life of destitution and transforming her into Josie by providing her a life that all animals deserve. I get great joy from watching Dolly transform from a dog that was beaten down by life, to being a happy dog that loves to greet men, women and other dogs on our walks. Im telling you this story so you too can watch the transformation take place with Josie. Personally I cant imagine life without Dolly now. When we drive slowly through town she sits on the center console leaning against my shoulder looking out the front windshield with me and when I get over 35 mph she knows enough to go to the back seat and lay down. Dogs have such great individual personalities, it is one of life’s great joys to watch it develop and would be truly tragic to miss out on it. Dogs truly are man’s best friend. Enjoy! Rob

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