By Louis Cahill
A group of uniformed US Customs officials has assembled to inspect the contents of my carry-on luggage before I am allowed to leave the Bahamas for home.
They each peer inquisitively through the zippered opening of the black tote and repeat, “Oh my God! She’s adorable.”
I have known for years that I wanted a Bahamian Potcake for my next dog. These bright eyed, slender dogs, common throughout the Bahamas, stole my heart. The Potcake, only recently recognized as a breed, is a kind of super-mutt made up of the working dogs that colonists brought to the islands to work the plantations. They are wicked smart, hardy and, once bonded to a human, fiercely loyal. They, in many ways, exhibit the traits I admire in the Bahamian people. Not surprisingly, as they, without meaning to be insensitive, share a very similar backstory. Each has carved out a life for themselves under harsh circumstances, maintaining strong family structures, and living by their wits. The Bahamians and the Potcakes, not only exist but thrive, against all odds, and in doing so have developed a strength of character which is both admirable and endearing.
I’ve been fishing at the Andros South Bonefish Lodge for many years. The staff and guides there have become friends and the island of South Andros a place of refuge where I feel an uncommon sense of well being. There is a small family of potcakes there, who I have become attached to, the eldest being a female named Brownie. Although these dogs enjoy the adoration of anglers from around the world, they are not exactly domesticated. They are not exactly feral either but some of them, especially the puppies, are untouchable. Brownie, however, is one of the best natured dogs I have ever known and, from each litter, at least a couple of her pups has her sweet disposition. While all potcakes are great dogs, this family line is truly special to me.
South Andros is a poor island. Its people, for the most part, have big hearts and small wallets. There is no veterinarian on the island and few folks have the money to fly a dog to Nassau for medical care. Certainly not for non-essentials like spay and neuter. As a result, a huge population of feral potcakes fight for limited resources. The name potcake comes from the traditional Bahamian dish of peas and rice, which leaves a burned matt in the bottom of the pot, called the potcake. These are thrown out for the dogs and beyond that their diet is random lizards, bugs and whatever washes up on the beach. Many of them starve, or are killed for hunting livestock.
This year, things lined up for me and I decided it was time for a dog. I could adopt a dog easily at home, but what I wanted was one of the Andros potcakes. There are always fresh puppies and I found myself drawn to one in particular. A little black puppy, the runt of the litter, who the guys at the lodge named Permit because she was impossible to catch. I knew she’d be a challenge, but she would likely not make it if she didn’t get a home.
I spent a week tossing bits of food to this gaunt little potcake, hoping to win her trust. It was a totally unsuccessful campaign. The more I fed her, the more she knew something was up. Permit proved to be a fitting name and after staying up all night Thursday, hoping she would nod off, on Friday morning I gave up and called my wife to tell her I would not be bringing a dog home. As I was delivering the news, I heard explosive cheers outside my door. Jason, part of the Andros South crew, had made a daring leap and grabbed her. I spent the next 20 hours tethered to a feral dog, which was as exciting as it sounds, but the next morning she went pretty calmly into a pet carrier and boarded a plane for Nassau.
I was nervous. I had no idea what to expect. I’d done my research and I knew that all I needed was a rabies shot and a certificate of health from a Bahamian vet to bring her into the US. It all sounded simple enough, but there I was at the Nassau airport with a scared little dog and no firm plan. I arrived at 9:45 on Saturday morning and was booked on a 12:45 flight to Atlanta. I figured I’d be changing my flight, at the least, and maybe staying in Nassau until Monday. Permit was looking like a very expensive ‘free dog.’ When I got to the Delta ticket counter I discovered something I didn’t expect.
When you tell people in the Bahamas you are rescuing a potcake, they drop what they are doing and help.
Everyone loves these dogs and they know how badly the strays need help. The ticket agent put me on the phone with Happy Pets, a local vet who was open on Saturday.
“Don’t change your ticket,” the vet told me, “come now.”
I jumped into a cab and and headed to Happy Pets. When I walked in the door they were ready for me. With a waiting room full of customers, everyone in the place stopped what they were doing and went to work on my little girl. In ten minutes she had her shots, her certificate of health, and a new leash and harness. The vet gave me his card and said, “If you have any trouble at the airport, call me. I know some people.” Another customer left his wife and dog to drive me to the airport. I was back in time for a sit-down lunch before my flight.
When I presented my paperwork to the customs officials, I expected a problem, but the agent only glanced at it and said, “thank you for taking this dog home.” The whole process was so easy it felt surreal. Everyone involved was so supportive. My little potcake was a US citizen but she was still a wild dog. She never made a sound the whole day. She was remarkably calm but I figured all hell would break loose when I opened that pet carrier.
“Where are you? I’m so excited I can’t sit down!!!” read the text from my wife.
She was standing in the front yard when my Uber car pulled up. The timid little potcake didn’t struggle. Her dirty little face got kissed until it was wet and she spent an hour or two under the coffee table. I expected to spend the next week moving furniture looking for her, but she pretty quickly spotted the leather sofa in front of the TV and made it home. I expected the absolute worst a wild animal could give me, but again I was surprised.
That potcake intelligence is an amazing thing. She matriculated into our family faster than any pet I’ve ever had. It took only two days to housebreak her. She had no separation issues and got along great with our two cats. She slept in the bed with us, and was quiet as a mouse until we opened our eyes, at which point the little dog no one could catch licked our faces with joy. I expected a traumatized, wild animal and I got a loving, grateful companion. She wasn’t a permit any longer. I named her Josie, after my friend Josie Sands who guides at Andros South. Anyone who knows him will appreciate the humor in that.
Josie has been with us for two weeks now. She is growing like a weed, got a clean bill of health and booster shots from our vet and has quickly become a favorite at the local Petco. She loves the drift boat and exploring around the river. She’s a snuggler and a very chill puppy. Yeah, I’m pretty silly for my dog, but I don’t mind telling you, I’m the happiest I’ve been in years. There’s magic in a dog and it will change your life.
If it’s time for a dog in your family, consider a potcake. You don’t have to go out and catch a wild one, although I encourage you to. There are plenty of potcake rescues to help you find one of these awesome dogs. If it’s not the right time, please consider a donation to BAARK, an organization which does catch and spay clinics on the out islands.
Here are some resources to get you started.
Happy Pets– A great pot cake friendly vet in Nassau.
Royal Potcake Rescue– a 501(c)(3) non-profit pet rescue organization with a mission to rescue, and spay & neuter, Potcakes from the Great Abaco Islands in the Bahamas.
BAARK– Bahamas Alliance for Animal Rights and Kindness.
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Josie! The Outlaw Josie Wales.
Love it.
Good for you, Louis!
Fishin’ dogs are a blast and Josie should fit right in.
Looking forward to seeing her in future posts and pictures.
And watch your back cast. She will be that close!
Have fun!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Good story. There has got to be a way to get a Spey/neuter clinic down there! Keep bringing light to this subject.
Louis – This is an awesome story! Thanks for actually following through with what many of us visitors to Deneki have wanted to do over the years.
Perfect on the name too!
Potcakes are clearly smarter dogs than me, for I—having never see the word “matriculated” before—had to look it up. Great story, and good on ye for the rescue effort. Many happy years ahead for you and Josie.
Great storyI I’ve never heard of potcakes before. I just bought a Labrador the other day (who I love dearly), but feeling a little regret.
Thanks for the story. I’ve made friends with many over the years, but never knew about adopting.
I just love the potcakes, independent, smart, seem to live on anything given them. You should keep a journal how Josie behaves with constant attention, and good dog food daily. Does her socialization change, etc. I have a Lab that I swear could survive on the land. Never have seen a dog who found fruit from trees, bushes, that could survive. I have always wondered if she was not a true Lab but part Potcake. Glad for you two, enjoy her!
What a great story and very cute pup! It’s great you could save Josie, and she has already given you so much.
Awesome story Louis and thanks for sharing. Dogs are some of the best people I know.
A good dog story beats a good fish story any day.
That is truly a great story. I was in tears of course. Very happy for Josie and sad for the others. You did a great thing!!! I’m sure you & Kathy wish that you could give them all a home, me too… I love animals & the ones like Josie and other Potcakes make the best companions. I had ask you on FB how she got along with yours and Kathy’s kitties, but after reading this, my question was answered. I am soo happy for you & Josie. Bless you
Congratulations Louis
Your a good man.I hope you and Josie have many wonderful years together ..
Well, now you’ll know whose responsible when Bob Marley videos on Youtube start appearing in your browser history and mysterious charges from mail order ganja delivery services start appearing on your credit card statements. 😉
Louis- that’s so awesome. Know there’s a lot of karma in that.
I’m a lurker, never respond to blog posts but here I go. I’m a vet, a surgeon to be exact- just my job. As a traveling angler and DVM, I know there are dogs everywhere that need help. I’m aware of at least one organization that delivers services to the Bahamas. But if South Andros dogs are in need, let’s do something about it. Hmmm- fishing and helping dogs- sounds like a perfect day.
Right on!
Great story, Loved those dogs when I was there. A question for you, where do you stay in Nassau?
Well done Louis
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Saw this today on CNN and thought of Josie…
Beautiful story! Reminded me very much of our own: we were spending a day at Punta Rucia in DR in August 2019 and, as we parked, a black small something came out of the bushes and adopted us instantly. Rosie looked very much like your dog, except she was barely 9 kg (on a great day). We had the best dog ever: intelligent, well tempered, no attachment issues, but loving and devoted and instantly adjusted to our family (our son was then 9 years old, and our other 9 year dog instantly fell in love with her).
She very sadly passed 3 days ago and we are so heartbroken . She was the best and easiest dog I have ever met.
She, all of a sudden, developed a neurological disorder / disease nobody in Washington DC area could handle (running in circles only, blindness all of a sudden…), changed 5 hospitals and, after MRI and spinal tap and all the meds and what not, with her rapidly declining in front of our eyes and suffering, we had to let her finally rest. It is the worst time of our lives and I hope she is finally resting now. We would do this any time again, she made our lives rich and beautiful.
Enjoy your puppy! Potcakes are the best souls!