The New RIO Line Selector App

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That’s right, I said app.

The coolest thing I saw at IFTD this years isn’t even a piece of fishing gear. At least not in the conventional sense. The new Line Selector App from RIO is simply brilliant. It’s never been easier to find the right line for your fly rod. This app, available for iPhone, iPad and Android, breaks down RIO’s vast product line into a straight forward flow chart that let’s you find the perfect line for any rod, location, species or style of fishing.

The app is highly detailed and surprisingly streamlined. It anticipates a wide array of fishing options and walks you through the process of narrowing down the hundreds of complicated choices. It an amazing piece of work, with Simon Gawesworth’s finger prints all over it. It’s like having Simon on speed dial!

I’m sure this will sell a lot of lines for RIO but it’s also great as an educational tool for anglers who are overwhelmed with option paralysis. Watch the video to see the full lineup of features, then head over to the App Store and get this free app for yourself!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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3 thoughts on “The New RIO Line Selector App

  1. I broke down and downloaded this app knowing that I likely will never use it after my initial curiosity has been satisfied. However, it is actually more specific than one might initially think. The line selector takes you through several questions in order to determine the appropriate line for the desired use. Everything from Rod type, manufacturer, and model… to body of water, target species, and even the type of presentation/flies you plan on using are considered before coming up with a list of suggestions for your next fly line. Does it tickle my fancy? Not really, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a great product. For the new or novice fly anglers, this will help them decide on what line will be the best for them. I get a lot of questions from clients pertaining to what fly line they should use for “X” situation, or what I prefer for “X” situation. This is a great tool from a great fly line manufacturer that will aide in answering those very questions. Kudos to Rio for getting this out there!

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