RIO InTouch Fly Lines

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Less stretch = better performance

This year RIO has expanded the use of its Connectcore technology to a host of new lines, including the very popular RIO Gold. While the technology its self is not new or groundbreaking, it’s expansion into more lines is a great move by RIO.

Low stretch lines simply perform better. They are more responsive both in casting and fishing. They have more feel and hold up longer. There’s very little downside to the new InTouch lines. I have heard some folks suggest that you might break off more fish with low stretch lines but that seems like a stretch to me. It’s the rod tip which protects your tippet, not the stretch of the line. For my money, this is a great move by RIO.

In this video Simon Gawesworth walks us through the new series of InTouch lines for RIO.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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One thought on “RIO InTouch Fly Lines

  1. I agree, it is a great move. Airflo has had low stretch (6%) core for a long time, and it’s part of the reason I have favored Airflo for several years. This might make me consider Rio again.

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