Broyhill’s Jackknife

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Flymen is taking a “Go big or go home” approach for 2016.

The Flymen Fishing Co. (Makers of the Fish Skull) has a new musky fly this year for those who aren’t happy with a streamer under twelve inches. Broyhill’s Jackknife is an articulated pattern in the style of Blane Chocklett’s T-Bone. It creates a big profile without the bulk and weight which makes big flies such a challenge to cast.

You can buy these from Flymen, or you can buy the materials that make the design work and tie them yourself.  Tying these big flies is fun and it’s easier than it looks. I’d encourage you to give it a try. There’s a video below that shows you how it’s done.

Check out these videos and catch some musky!

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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