Saturday Shoutout / LCP

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I hope this doesn't come off as self serving. Honestly, I do. I've never thought to share my own photography site here on Gink and Gasoline. It has recently been pointed out to me that some folks are interested. It has also been pointed out that...

Sunday Classic / Douse The Flash

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All waterproof point and shoot cameras have a built-in flash, but is it your friend? Well, sometimes. I’m a big believer in fill flash and use it a lot myself but when the camera drops below the surface of the water it can be a...

Sunday Classic / Choosing the Lens That’s Right You

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The most common camera question I get from my friends is "what lens should I buy." My usual answer is, "the one that costs the most." It's a joke, but there is some truth to it. Here are a few tips on choosing a good...

2015 G&G Fly Fishing Photography Contest Winners

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We received hundreds of great fly fishing photos for this years competition. Once again, I am so glad that I don't have to be a judge but the cream has risen and we are proud to announce the winners of the 2015 Gink and Gasoline Fly...

G&G Presents The Oskar Blues “Take a Pinner Fishing” Photo Contest

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Don't put those cameras away just yet, it's time for The Oskar Blues "Take a Pinner Fishing" Photo Contest! Even though we just finished up the G&G Fly Fishing Photography contest and haven't even announced the winners, we are kicking off another awesome contest where you...