Summer is Coming

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Summer, and the tube hatch, are just around the corner.

Here in the south we view summer in much the same way the my northern friends view winter. There’s plenty of fun outdoor stuff for us to do but it’s also a long miserable slog. It’s also a time many of us dial back our trout fishing and seek out other species, as water temperature climb dangerously high for man and trout. 

Tom Dorsey, of Thomas and Thomas, doesn’t seem to mind. I love this photo of Tom, taking a moment to chat up the daily tube hatch. Nothing creepy going on here. Tom seemed oblivious, fishing off the other side of the boat, until this young lady paddled over and spoke to him.

I couldn’t hear the conversation, and I think it’s very unlikely that this gal knew she was talking with one of the greatest fly rod designers of all time. Secretly I like to think she was a fan who recognized Tom on the river and couldn’t resist paddling over for an introduction. That’s the world I’d like to live in, anyway.

Either way, it’s impossible to talk with Tom and not be captivated, as evidenced by this your ladies expression. He’s a joyful soul and a magnetic personality. For me this image will always be my picture of summer trout fishing. I hope yours is as pleasant. 

Click here for Kevin Howell’s tips for summer trout fishing.

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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5 thoughts on “Summer is Coming

  1. I met Tom Dorsey many years ago, we actually went to the same University, U of Md. Eventually I was on his guide staff, and I can tell you that his rods are some of the best I’ve ever used. While guiding off Ocean City Md, in the 90s-into the 2000s, we put these rods thru some of the harshest tests of large bluefish, albacore, very large stripers, bluefin tuna and sharks, and never broke a rod. Clients loved these rods, I never had a doubt that a client would break one, so we used them all the time. Tom is a unique person, use to see him at the biggest fly fishing show at the time in Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, NJ. One time we were talking at his exhibit and my wife loved the T&T vest he had on, he took it off and gave it to her, just a very generous guy. I do miss seeing him at the shows since moving to Fl., and always highly recommend his rods.

  2. Having fished the Chattahoochee thru the “Ramblin’ Raft Race” & Shoot The Hooch periods, I can assure you the fish adapt to pink donuts, loud music, and drunken festivities.

    They weren’t offended by nudity, either.

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