Tag Archives: Scott Fly Rods
Sunday Classic / The Scott F2 Blows My Skirt Up…Again!
I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS LITTLE FIBERGLASS BEAUTY ON THE CASTING POND AT THE IFDT SHOW IN NEW ORLEANS IN 2011. Jim Bartschi, president of Scott Fly Rods, saw me throwing long graceful loops with the F2 7' 3 weight and came over to correct...
Scott Meridian Fly Rod: Video
The Scott “Tie Something Different” Fly Tying Contest Winner
What Could You Make Out Of This? It's amazing what you can tie from the Dollar Store! First let me say thank you to everyone who tied flies and entered the contest. I was blown away by the creative submissions we received. There was however a pretty...
Tie Something Different, Fly Tying Contest
THE GOOD FOLKS AT SCOTT FLY RODS HAVE DONATED THIS AWESOME SHIRT AND IT CAN BE YOURS! All you have to do is impress us with your fly tying skills and creative mojo. "The Scott Difference," is the motto of the the Scott Fly Rod Company. In...
Scott Fly Rods Come On Strong In 2015
I've been a fan of Scott fly rods since the first time I cast one. The quality and design of Scott fly rods is second to none. This year at IFTD Scott unveiled a couple of hot new rods that I'm pretty excited about. The Tidal is...