By Herman deGala
Here’s some advanced technique for tying flies with peacock quills.
Fly tying has always been the art of linking a series of techniques to achieve an overall design. Innovative techniques are often a result of problem solving.
I have always enjoyed the look of wrapped peacock quills and the beautiful segmented bodies they create with simple turns. I also enjoy the iridescence of peacock barbules and their fish catching attributes. I have come up with a simple way to combine both of these attributes.
I demonstrate it here with a simple Hydropsyche. I am sure you can think of many more applications with your own tying.
Herman deGala
Signature Fly Designer for Umpqua Feather Merchants. /
Gink & Gasoline
A great looking fly tied with a great fly material. I use herl on many fly patterns and am convinced it not only physically appeal to fish because of its movement and brilliance but am convinced that when wet it produces an odor that appeals to our fine finned friends.