This week’s Saturday Shoutout brings you a killer fly tying archive with over 70 popular fly patterns tied by Hans Stephenson with Dakota Angler. We also give a shoutout to the second annual Surface Film photography event.
Fly Tying Archive by Hans Stephenson
This is sure to get you your fly tying fix for the day, hell the year probably. The seventy plus fly patterns are all fish catching machines, and Hans Stephenson does a very good job in his videos teaching you how to tie these bad boys up. Check it out if you’re wanting to learn some new patterns. I’ll be right there with you tying along myself.
The Greenbacks of Trout Unlimited are excited to announce the 2nd Surface Film event showcasing top professional fly fishing photography across the courntry at the Anthology Fine Art Gallery (635 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204) on Feb. 2, 2012. Framed prints will be available through a silent auction to benefit Trout Unlimited. If everything goes as planned this could turn into a traveling show. We encourage everyone to check it out if the event falls in your neck of the woods.
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I couldn’t seem to find the link above. I’ll save you all the grueling 15 second Google…
Thank you for posting the comment and link. Have a great weekend!