Hell Razing Cousins

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By Bob Reece

On the whole, leech and crawdad patterns typically land in the medium to large size range in the world of flies.

These offerings have proven their worth. However, their vast success in these profiles has led to an oversight on the productivity that they offer in much smaller variations.

Matt McCannel is man of details.

The quarry that he frequently pursues with his clients demands the utmost attention. Double digit trout, in pounds, don’t accidentally make their way into your net.  Applying tactics that land outside the typical box of thinking help the process of capturing these aquatic unicorns. Matt’s Hell Razor Craw and Leech depart from the norm. They display a small silhouette on a size 12 Tiemco 403 bl jig hook. The dumbbell weighting system in the neck of the jig hook adds the needed weight to get the fly down, while blending into the visual profile of the pattern.  Additionally, the construction of these flies results in a highly durable offering that can hold up to a full day of fishing.

Matt runs these offerings under an indicator throughout the majority of the year. Yet, during terrestrial season they make for an outstanding dropper under foam terrestrials. The combo of hopper-crawper, with the Hell Razor Craw, makes for a varied and deadly bank side offering.  A quick twitch just after landing gives both flies a burst of life that is often followed by vicious strikes.

As you continue to prepare for another season, take time to think outside the box.

The minimal time required to create these two bite size offering is well worth it.  They may provide the diversification that you need to help bring more significantly sized fish to net.

Hell Razor Craw Video:

Hell Razor Leech Video:

If you’d like to book the sight fishing trip of a life time with Matt McCannel, click on the link below:


To see some of the amazing fish that Matt has guided his clients to, check out his Instagram feed through the link below:


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Bob Reece
Gink & Gasoline
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2 thoughts on “Hell Razing Cousins

  1. Big flies, some of my big flies for the 15wt have 7/0 forged hooks in them with 100lb spur weed guards.

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