Do you care too much, or too little, about how many fish you catch or how you catch them?
This week two of my favorite writers get to thinking about the numbers. Whether it’s the number of fish or the number of casts, greed or too much of a good thing, what matters to you?
Erin Block on,
“Derivations of Insanity: or, On Carping, Casting, and Chocolate Cake”
Kirk Deeter on,
Numbers can scratch an itch, but the “how” is what can really be rewarding. For me it’s those hard won fish that really make my day.
Picturing Erin and Kirk facing off on a dusty high plains track, all steely eyed and ready to slap leather, makes me laugh. Thanks for that image.
Thanks for words, Louis…and I must agree with Mike — I’m left with an amusing mental image that has made my day. (Prediction: Kirk wins.)
My fist full of dollars is on Erin.
I’m definitely in the Erin camp. In my version she’s rockin the Sharon Stone, Quick and the Dead, look.
Exactly the image I had, Louis. Good call.
“I know what you’re thinking – did I take 5 casts or 6? Well, do you feel lucky, punk?”