Fly Fishing, No Pain No Gain

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A happy but tired angler. Photo By: Louis Cahill

Have you ever felt like this when you got back to the truck after a long day of fishing?

Giving it my all on the water is a trait I strongly believe in for my fishing and guiding. I always try to make a point to explain to all my clients, that as long as they give it their all on the water, that’s all that really matters. There’s no reason for them to be disappointed about having a slow day on the water or get upset when a big fish fails to eat, so long as they took the time to approach their holes with stealth, made their best presentations, and fine-tuned their rig and pattern choice. After all, that’s why it’s called fishing not catching, right? We can only do so much as anglers, and even when we bring our best, there still will be times when we won’t be able to persuade certain fish to take our flies.

Keep this in mind next time you go out to wet a line. Don’t lose sight of the big picture, which is to always enjoy your time on the water. And don’t fish lazy, try to consistently give it your all when your out fishing. This way, whether you experience that epic day of fishing or not, at least you can walk away guilt-free knowing you didn’t half-ass it on the water. The trout will respect you for it.

I think Andrew Bennett put it best when he said we should always, “Fish hard and rest easy”.

Keep it Reel,

Kent Klewein
Gink & Gasoline
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10 thoughts on “Fly Fishing, No Pain No Gain

  1. I guess I’d look like that if I bought a Dodge too 😉

    Trucks aside, I think the point to be made, always walk away with a smile on your face, that way you’ll be sure to come back. Like Smithhammers last blog post, in the end, we still need to enjoy it.

    I realize this is a family friendly show, so no one make any correlation between Andy’s quote and always having a smile on your face when fishing….

    Good stuff as always Kent!

  2. I’d like to emphasize that in the word “hard” is the underlying element of “smart”. We gents get “stubborn” when fishing proves to be sub-optimal. In “smart” there is also “outside the box”. Just because you “know” a Copper John “should” work doesn’t mean you should keep flogging it if it isn’t producing. This is part of being “smart” and maintaining perspective. We are all guilty of overthinking and invested our “knowledge” too an extreme. Stop and smell the roses if lockjaw strikes.

  3. As a retired Ironworker that has used my lifelong fly fishing afliction as stress relief from a dangerous profession, I find the trip on the river or lake of the day is a tonic of sublime flavor. Since my youth with a telescopic green Shakesspeare stalking the creek that ran through the yard seeking cutthroat for dinner the time spent was in most cases was the prize. I started tying flys when the ones I was buying with my allowance and pop bottle deposits were falling apart nearly as fast as I tied them on. A small point and shoot digital camera is now one of my favorite items to pack. Here in Northeastern Washington state the scenery and wild life are as important to some as the fishing and the photo’s prove you were not at the local pub, for those with an inquiring wife. Thanks for proding my memory on a winter day, Dan Wight

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