We know from reading your comments that a lot of you are not only avid fly fishers, but also enthusiastic photographers. It’s been fun and rewarding sharing my photos with you, and we want you to share in the fun, so with help from our friends at Redington, Rio and Fishpond we are exited to announce the first ever Gink and Gasoline fly fishing photography contest! That’s right, it’s your chance to show off your mad photo skills and get some wicked gear for your trouble. How sweet is that?
Here’s what’s on the table.
•1st place – a pair of Redington Sonic-Pro Stocking Foot Waders
•2nd place – a Fishpond Piney Creek Tech Pack
•3rd place – a Rio Gold fly line
We are equally excited to have three, at the very least, semi-celebrity judges.
Tim Romano
In addition to being a bad ass fly fishing photographer Tim is the managing editor of Angling Trade Magazine, the photo editor of The Fly Fish Journal and blogs for Field and Stream at fsflytalk.com. When does he sleep?
Paul Puckett
Paul is an amazing painter who has dedicated his talents to capturing the beauty of fly fishing. He also employes his considerable visual skills in clothing design as the creative force behind The Flood Tide Co. He’s a hell of a guitarist too.
Claudia Lopez
One of the most talented photographers I have ever known and hands down the toughest, Claudia is a world class mountaineer and has dedicated herself to taking us ordinary humans to the most beautiful places in the world to meet the most interesting people. Seriously, you must see her work to believe it.
Here’s all you need to know to get in on the action.
•The contest is open to everyone except me, Kent and the judges.
•Limit three submissions per person, that’s three photos so a triptych counts as three.
•Images should relate to fly fishing in some way.
•All submissions must be made by email to hookups@ginkandgasoline.com
•Photos should be jpeg format and 1000 pixels at their longest dimension.
•Please use the subject line, Photo Contest for your email
•File names should be your full name plus a # 01-03. So my file name, for example, would be louiscahill_01.jpg , louiscahill_02.jpg , louiscahill_03.jpg
•All submissions must be in by midnight EST on Wednesday 12/7.
•Winners will be announced the week of the 19th. OK, probably on the 19th, but I want to give our judges a little wiggle room. They are doing us a big favor.
•All prizes will be shipped directly from our sponsors.
•Photographers retain all rights to their work, We only ask that we can use the photos on G&G, within the context of the contest and with proper credit to the photographer.
We would like to say a big thank you to our sponsors Redinton, Rio and Fishpond for their generous donations. It really classes things up. Those guys rock!
Louis Cahill Gink & Gasoline www.ginkandgasoline.com hookups@ginkandgasoline.com Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter!
Hey Louis
I was wondering, what kind of bag is it you’r wearing in the main photo for this post?
It’s a Sealine Seal Pac. I love those things. Saved my ass many times. I get them at REI.
“It’s a Sealine Seal Pac. I love those things. Saved my ass many times. I get them at REI.”
Must be a large pack!
I miss you too buddy!
I hope we are going to see some photos from you.
Do we retain the exclusive rights over our work that we submit? What usage rights are we giving away when we submit these photos to the contest?
I have no doubts that you guys are standup and above-board when it comes to photographer’s rights, but in today’s age, it’s a question that begs to be asked.
What are the terms of the submissions regarding copyright, usage, ownership, etc?
I should have spelled this out. Thanks for catching it. Of course you retain all the rights to you images. All we ask is that we can post them on G&G within the context of the contest and with the proper credit. I am expecting to get some really great work and we would like to bring attention to the folks who submit it. Since we (G&G), to date, make literally no money off of the site our motivation is simple. We just want folks to enjoy it. Personally, I hate contest where you sign away your life to enter. Non of that here.
Very cool. I had little doubt and appreciate your response.
I think I got a couple to submit.
Awesome. I can’t wait to see them.
I updated the post with this new info as well as info on the email subject line. Please read that as it will make my life much easier when I have to sort thru them.
Pingback: Fly Fishing Photography Contest » Big Kype
What are the photos being judged on?
I am leaving that completely up to the judges. I will not be judging in the competition. I have tried to select judges with great eyes and a wide variety of experience. I’m sure that they will weigh aesthetic and technical value differently but they all have experience in this sort of thing and I have great faith in them.
Thanks for clearing that up Louis. Sorry to ask…but you never know.
No worries man. It was a good question.
Louis / Kent – great initiative – GAME ON!
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Can we see the entries?
I’m not sure how we’re gonna handle that, but yes. We had way too much good work to not share it. We may do an honorable mention category. Look for the results on the 19th. The judges are working on it now.
Pingback: The Results Are In! | Gink and Gasoline, The Blog home of Kent Klewein and Louis Cahill-Fly Fishing photography, video, tips and news.
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