Gink and Gasoline’s Photo Contest v.2020

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By Justin Pickett

We are excited to bring back Gink and Gasoline’s annual photo contest for 2020!

It has been an insane year so, again, we wanted to bring a little fun into the mix and give people another reason to escape the chaos and go have some fun out on the water!

This year’s contest will be structured much the same as our photo contests in past years. We want to see your best photos that you capture while enjoying your time on the water! This year’s contest will be open to all photography. Landscapes. Big fish. Little fish. Freshwater. Saltwater. Under water. Off-the-cuff photos of your fishing pal(s) and the shenanigans involved with your trips. Photo entries will be judged based on characteristics such as content, lighting, composition, color, and creativity. When it comes to photographing fish, we ask that you practice proper fish handling techniques and that you only submit photos showcasing fish either under the water, placed in the water, or dripping wet. As you know, be sure to wet your hands before handling fish and have everything ready to go before handling your catch to reduce time out of the water if required. The most important thing, though, is that you have fun while enjoying the great outdoors!

We are excited to welcome Tim Johnson as our guest judge for this year’s contest. Tim is an amazingly talented, full-time artist who is well known for his collaborative designs with Orvis, as well as for his unique “Timmy Grips”. His superb skill and ability to hand-burn highly detailed, one-of-a-kind images onto the cork handles of fly rods is truly amazing to see in person. Tim has also doubled down and will commission a custom “Timmy Grip” for the 1st Place winner’s fly rod! We are looking forward to working with Tim and having his keen eye on board to help us choose our winning photos! If you haven’t seen Tim’s work before, take a few minutes to check out his website!

What’s Up For Grabs?!


1st Place: Orvis H3 905-4 and Mirage LT lll Outfit AND Commissioned “Timmy Grip” Artwork by Tim Johnson!

2nd Place: Orvis Recon 905-4 and Hydros lll Outfit!

3rd Place: Orvis Clearwater 905-4 and Clearwater LA ll Outfit!




• The contest is open to everyone except Louis, Tim, and myself.

• Limit two submissions per person; that is two photos, so a split photo with two images counts as two submissions.

• Any fish photographed MUST BE IN THE WATER or DRIPPING WET! 

• All submissions must be made by email to

• Photos should be JPEG format and preferably 1000 pixels at their longest dimension

• Please use the subject line, “2020 Photo Contest” for your email

• File names should be your full name plus a # 01-02. My file names, for example, would be justinpickett_01.jpg, justinpickett_02.jpg.

• All submissions must be in by 11:59:59 PST on October 11th, 2020.

• Winners will be announced on the G&G blog on October 16th, 2020.

• The owners of the winning photographs will also be notified via email.

• Photographers retain all rights to their work! We only ask that we be able to use the photos on G&G, within the context of the contest and with proper credit to the photographer.

Now go get out on the water and start snapping those photos! Email your submissions for the contest before midnight on October 11th and we will announce a winner on Friday, October 16th! Good Luck!

Justin Pickett
Gink & Gasoline
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One thought on “Gink and Gasoline’s Photo Contest v.2020

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