By Justin Pickett
We are all responsible for the memories we make.
We are the cast, the director, and the costume designer in an ongoing film where we write our own individualized scripts and ad lib as the cameras of life roll on. There are some things we don’t have control over. There will be instances of triumph, and, inevitably, there will be times of pain. Jobs. Love. Failures. Money…. All things that come and go. Well, except for that money thing…. It just seems to go. Life is a crazy ride full of ups and downs, but for an angler, like you and like myself, one thing will always remain constant. Fishing.
We only get one go at life, and our friends at Simms have come up with a great way to remind us that we need to enjoy our time here while we have it. And, for fly freaks like you and I, that means cramming in as much time on the water as possible! So to all you fly freaks out there….
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A real good piece, brings back a lot of memories of my own. Thanks for sharing.