Saturday Shoutout / A Little Humility

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Photos by Jason Tucker

Photos by Jason Tucker

Is it possible we are all a little hypocritical from time to time.

I couldn’t resist sharing this article, because it kind of struck home. Honestly, I thought it may have been written for my benefit. Enough so that I offered an apology for something I’d said to a friend with the best of intentions. Turns out my fears were ungrounded, but it made me think.

My friend Jason Tucker has a way of stepping back from a situation, which I sometimes lack. In this instance he turned my own philosophy upside down. I have strong feelings on catch-and-release, and I stand by them, but this made me think. You should give it a look.


Louis Cahill

Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Saturday Shoutout / A Little Humility

  1. Too each his own – except pegged beads! They should be outlawed as they are more akin to a fish trap than a lure or (May Halford forgive us) – a “fly”.

  2. This: “There is also nothing uglier than when people are so passionate about what they do and believe in, that they denigrate others who do not do or feel the same way they do. They begin to see their pursuit of the sport as the only “right” way. The others just don’t get it. They snub people who don’t see things their way.”

    I don’t believe there is room for politics in its usual sense in the fishing (inclusive of fly fishing) world. For me, it has no place in the outdoor world at all.

    We have to get involved in “political” issues for the benefit of our sports, but to get sucked into the finger pointing, name calling garbage that passes for political discourse is counterproductive in the extreme.

    Allowing politics into the work we need to do for our passions reduces our effectiveness by way more than half because we would need to spend bunches of time blaming rather than working on solutions, more time being defensive about a political agenda, AND we can kiss half our support goodbye right out if the gate…and have to fight them for our results.

    I don’t have that kind of time or energy, and I care about the results too much to get sucked into the political slime.

  3. I agree that fly anglers often get out of hand on their snobby soap boxes. I’ve been known to from time to time. But after 45 years of fly fishing I’ve come to realize that this is a wonderfully diverse sport and many pathways to enjoy it and many stages we may go through. Fly fishing is a journey of discovery, not a destination! Embrace the diversity (as long as it’s legal)!

  4. Fly fishing like all genre’s of fishing and outdoor sports has a certain amount of narcissists in it. We’ve all met these people, it’s why some in the spin side of fishing won’t get involved in fly fishing. Having written for several fly fishing publications over the years, I’ve met some of these people. Then in the late 90’s I met a guy named Scott Leon, editor of Fly Fishing In Salt Waters, and what I found was a guy who was a phenomenal representative of the sport. He was not pretentious or arrogant but just really nice guy that would help anyone getting involved in the sport. My overall reflections of the sport changed. So while we all have a little bit of narcissism in us, it’s the relationships that we make along the way are the most important. The friendship bonds between us is one of the ways we really improve our own abilities, and the overall improvement of the sport.

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