Happy Birthday To Me

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July 4th in Jackson Hole

By Louis Cahill

Happy 4th of July G&G fans! Here’s a piece of trivia for you, the good old US-of-A shares its birthday with Gink and Gasoline.

Today is a kind of special day. G&G turns 5. It’s hard to believe but it was 5 years ago today that the first post went live. It’s been an amazing 5 years and I can not tell you what your support has meant to me in that time. I simply can not thank you enough.

Much has changed and much has stayed the same. We remain committed to delivering the best fly fishing content possible. We stay focused on our community and we dedicate ourselves to our readers. I would like to share with you the 2 things I am most proud of in the last 5 years.

Our annual readership has grown to 2.5 million.

In our 5 years on lime we have posted every single day.

Now, just for fun, Here is the first ever Gink and Gasoline post from July 4th 2011.

Today I was doing a little last minute location scouting and preparing for my Redington shoot. 

I can’t think of a better way to spend the fourth of July.  One of the things I am proudest and most thankful for as an American is our National Park system and public lands.  I would be hard pressed to think of anything that has given me more pleasure.  My hat is off to the men and women who are stewards of this precious resource.  As fly fishers let’s remember how important these lands are to us and our loved ones and defend them from those who would exploit, destroy or privatize them.

Keep on Fishing,

Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline

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10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me

  1. Happy birthday and many more, you brighten up my day G&G appears just before lunchtime UK which means I get to read it while I eat my sandwich, and wish I was on the water.
    Thanks for all the fun, I will probably never get to fish the flats or the Bahamas but reading the stories makes me feel I have.

  2. Congratulations Louis. Quite a feat. Good, consistently thoughtful effort and terrific focus on your audience and the splendor and diversity of our sport. Great photography. A winning formula.

    Love this first post. You and I have terrific public lands in our neck of the woods, which I expect launched your love of fishing for little wild trout. It takes special people to keep those special lands safe from degradation.

    Keep up the great work and double digit anniversaries will be on you before you know it.

  3. my favorite part about some places in the parks and some public land wilderness is that sometimes there is a place where no road travels. and if you are willing to put in the physical effort to backpack, there is a quiet stream or lake in a beautiful place full of solitude. this time of year always makes me think about when some of the highest elevation lakes start to thaw and some native cutties start to spawn.

  4. my favorite part about some places in the parks and some public land wilderness is that sometimes there is a place where no road travels. and if you are willing to put in the physical effort to backpack, there is a quiet stream or lake in a beautiful place full of solitude. this time of year always makes me think about when some of the highest elevation lakes start to thaw and some native cutties start to spawn.that said, it makes me sad to see abused public lands

  5. I appreciate the dedication to G&G. I started fly fishing about 3 years ago and I read your posts daily. I have learned a lot about to sport and I look forward to receiving great tips in the future.

  6. I appreciate the dedication to G&G. I started fly fishing about 3 years ago and I read your posts daily. I have learned a lot about to sport and I look forward to receiving great tips in the future. Your guidance has led to more fish caught than any other source.

  7. I want to thank you for all you do to keep this site running. Im kinda new at fly fishing and tying. Your write up’s that target us newbies have been more help than you could possibly know.I may very well have given up trying without your site. I find it kinda rare on a site such as this that you can talk to us down here and at the same time keep the more experenced anglers interest. Hats off to you and your staff for all the hard work. Happy birthday!!! This place is so good I would almost pay for it..(almost) Thank you seems a bit small.

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