A Friend in Need

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Anyone who has fished at Bair’s Lodge, South Andros, will recognize Harland Sands.

To say that Harley is a character would be the hight of understatement. If you have spent a day on his boat, you likely remember two things. Catching a lot of bonefish and your sides hurting from laughing all day. There’s no such thing as a bad day on Harland’s boat.

Unfortunately, life off the boat is not so simple. The other day while Harley was on the water, his home, his car and his personal boat burned. Literally everything he and his family had, gone in moments. Luckily the family was not harmed. It’s been a tough year for the Sands family, having lost a son not long ago.

South Andros may be a tropical paradise, but life there is not easy. It can be especially rebuilding a home and replacing vehicles. Harland and his family face a hard, uphill battle. The community on South Andros is rallying to help and it’s time for the fly fishing community to do the same. Let’s face it, if we can afford to fly fish, we are truly blessed. Let’s show our true nature and help a friend in need.

Bair’s Lodge has started a Go Fund Me page and made a healthy donation to start.

Please follow the link and help the Sands family rebuild. You’ll feel great about it, Harland and his family will know you care, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you banked some sweet fish karma in the process.

Thank you deeply for your support!


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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